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„I see you and I’m listening to you” Laborator de creatie

CAND?: Startul pentru derularea primului laborator creativ „I see you and I’m listening to you” se da in data de 25 septembmrie 2017 si se adreseaza persoanelor adulte din comunitatile de refugiati, care isi doresc sa ne cunoasca, sa participe la activitatile de socializare propuse si cauta un spatiu de exprimare a abilitatilor, nevoilor si aptitudinilor personale, prin mijloace variate, dincolo de cunoasterea limbii romane sau a limbilor de circulatie internationala (ex: povestire verbala sau scrisa in limba proprie, exprimare prin desen sau colaj).
Participarea la acest laborator va fi o oportunitate de deschidere si impartasire a experientelor proprii de viata si totodata va fi spatiu de cunoastre si relationare prin metode inedite a persoanelor refugiate, integrate sau intr-un process de integrare in spatiul romanesc.

CUM?: Pentru participarea la laboratorul „I see you and I’m listening to you”, persoanele refugiate care doresc sa ne cunoasca si sa participe la activitati, se pot inscrierie la sediul institutiei care gazduieste evenimentul, pe baza completarii unui formular de inscriere, prezentat in limba engleza sau la sediul organizatiei As. Serviciul APEL (bd. Mihai Bravu, nr. 329, sector 3 Bucuresti)

UNDE & CAT: Derularea primei intalniri din cadrul laboratorului creativ „I see you and I’m listening to you”, se va face la sediul (OIM) Organizatia Internationala pentru Migratie (Strada Viitorului nr.11, București 030167) si va avea o durata de 2 ore. Comunicarea pe parcursul laboratoarelor se va face in limba limba engleza, dar si in limba araba, laboratorul beneficiind de sustinerea si suportul oferit voluntary IOM pentru traducere.

COSTURI: Participarea este gratuita.

Va asteptam!

„I see you and I’m listening to you” Creative Lab

WHEN?: The start of the first „I see you and I’m listening to you” creative lab on September 25, 2017 and addresses adults from refugee communities who want to know, participate in the proposed social activities and search for space expressing personal abilities, needs and aptitudes, through various means, beyond the knowledge of the Romanian language or the languages of international circulation (eg verbal or written in its own language, expression through drawing or collage).
Participating in this laboratory will be an opportunity to open and share their own experiences of life, and will also be an area of knowledge and relationship through novel methods of refugees, integrated or in a process of integration into the Romanian space.

HOW TO: For participation in the „I see you and I’m listening to you” lab, refugees who want to know us and participate in activities can sign up at the headquarters of the institution hosting the event on the basis of filling in an application form , presented in English or at the headquarters of the As organization APEL Service (329 Mihai Bravu Blvd., Sector 3 Bucharest)

WHERE & HOW LONG: The first meeting of the creative laboratory „I see you and I’m listening to you” will be held at the International Organization for Migration (Viitorul Street nr.11, Bucharest 030167) and will last 2 hours. The laboratory will be communicated throughout the English language, but also in Arabic language, with the voluntary support provided by the IOM for translation.

COSTS: Participation is free of charge.

We are waiting for you!

COMMUNITY: INteractive and creative approaches to discover different cultures (COME.IN)

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