Pe data de 5 Martie am avut la sediul APEL un workshop cultural si antreprenorial cu ocazia proiectului DIALOGUE. Participantii au fost foarte comunicativi, deschisi la discutii si la stabilirea de contacte intre ei. Am colectat unele idei de afaceri foarte interesante, unele continand un puternic impact social.
Invitam noi participanti la aceste workshop – uri pentru a ne impartasi ideile lor antreprenoriale ce pot deveni, cu ajutorul nostru, viitoarele lor afaceri.
Pentru a participa, trimite un e – mail la adresa cu numele tău, data nașterii și ideea de afacere sau domeniul in care ți-ar plăcea să deschizi o afaceri. Te vom contacta apoi pentru a-ți transmite data și locația workshopurilor.
Yesterday 5/o3/2015 we’ve had a cultural and entrepreneurial workshop for DIALOGUE project in APEL office.
The participants were very communicative and very open to discussion and bounding to each other. We’ve collected some very interesting business idea, some of them containing a strong social impact.
We invite new participants to come to these workshops and share with us their entrepreneurial ideas, that can became, with our help, their next businesses.
In order to participate, please send an e – mail at with your name, date of birth and you business idea or field in which your would like to open a business.
We will contact you for the date and the place of the workshop.
Thank you.
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